Psychic Mediumship in Law Enforcement

//Psychic Mediumship in Law Enforcement

Psychic Mediumship in Law Enforcement

Psychic abilities are used in police work.

I recently retired as a criminal profiler after working on over a thousand serial murder and sexual homicide cases and creating the profiles of female serial killers. I trained thousands of police officers, CIA and FBI agents and interviewed 25 serial killers and mass murderers. I was famous for how accurate my profiles tended to be. Many, many times, shrewd detectives told me I was so accurate it was eerie. There was a reason for that, a truth that I kept secret. I kept this secret because telling the truth about this subject is often taboo. The truth is that I am a psychic medium.

From the time I was little, I had spirits around me. I didn’t think it was strange because I thought everyone did. My family was very open to psychic phenomenon, and my mother’s aunt was also a practicing psychic medium. But even though I experienced things firsthand, like knowing people’s secrets, I was very skeptical. It became harder and harder to hide my abilities when working with police because I’d come up with things I had no way of knowing. And more than one shrewd detective outright asked me if I was psychic.

In law enforcement, it is not something that is widely accepted. However, the majority of detectives who I worked with admitted to going to crimescenes and asking deceased victims for help in solving their murders. I even know a homicide lieutenant who used a psychic to locate a body only to say he’d never admit that publicly for fear of ridicule. The interesting thing is that the best police officers are the most intuitive. They get gut feelings about suspects which later prove to be true. Some have prophetic dreams. How often have detectives pursued something “on a hunch?”

The reality is that people use their intuitive skills every day. You know when you meet someone, and your gut tells you that something is wrong even though the person looks normal? Perhaps something tells you not to take a certain route to work, and you later learn by doing so you avoided an accident. I’m sure many of you have stories of where your intuition saved you from something bad.

When I released my terrorist profiling book Disturbed in November 2008, I predicted that India would have the next big terror attack. I knew for a fact that they would be hit and hit big soon. Within two weeks of releasing my book and making this prediction, the Mumbai attacks took place. I recently did a private reading for someone and kept hearing ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ playing in my head. It is like when you get a song stuck in your head. It kept playing until I told the client what I was hearing. She was shocked and told me that her daughter had just texted this to her for no reason. She noted how her young daughter had spelled it correctly and how unusual it was at the time. I told her that her mother in spirit kept showing me the pearl necklace and that she really wanted her to have the necklace. The client told me that when her mother died, she had gotten the pearl necklace but that her father had taken them and not given them back. I kept seeing a picture of David Cassidy and told her that the names David and Cassidy had significance. She was blown away and said that two grandchildren were born after her mom died, and her mother never got to see them. Their names were David and Cassidy.

The reality is that psychic abilities do exist, and our loved ones who have passed are close by. Those who have passed over often will show themselves to those grieving. Why wouldn’t they be around those in law enforcement who put their lives on the line and put bad guys behind bars? I believe that those in police work have lots of protection from the other side, so it is not surprising that police can be some of the most intuitive people. Though not commonly accepted in police circles, psychic abilities are being used. With time perhaps people can be taught how to better ‘tune in’ to their own abilities and learn to trust their gut instincts. There is more to this world than meets the eye.

Written by: Deborah Schurman-Kauflin Ph.D. – A criminal profiler and expert on serial crimes.
Originally Published by: Psychology Today  – Nov 09, 2012

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